Why you need a FAQ'S page on your website!
Posted on 14th September 2018 at 13:15
When clients ask us what else they can be doing to help make their websites more effective and visible we are saying two things at the moment. The first is to setup and run a blog and the second is to create a Frequently Asked Questions page. Why I hear you ask?
It's simple really, search engines are designed to answer questions so it makes sense to have a page answering specific questions about the business and services we provide.
Google will see this, read the page content and then index this information for future reference so if you are seen to be answering questions on a specific subject then it can only be a good thing.
A few things to note before you go ahead and create your fantastic new FAQ's page...
Don't copy and paste your FAQ's from another website as Google will see duplication and it will be ignored and may cause a negative effect. It also may upset the person who you copied it from.
Think about the main questions you are asked on a daily basis, like... Why choose us? How long does it take? How much does it cost? What happens if we I need support? When will it be delivered? etc etc.
If possible include a video and some images to help support your answer to the question. Video is very engaging and if embedded on your website has SEO benefits. Include a few links to external websites that talk more about the subject but be careful not to send your viewer back to a list of competitors in the area who may offer similar services.
Here are a couple of examples of it'seeze websites that use the FAQ's page:
Contact us if you would like to talk about adding an FAQ's page to your website in Colchester: 01206 512093
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