Should You Put Your Prices On Your Website?
Posted on 30th September 2016 at 13:46
It’s a question we often get asked when we speak to prospective clients and it’s always a difficult one to answer. Of course, there are pros and cons depending on your industry, service, products, and price point.
Our website does display our packages and pricing structure and many people tell us that it was the main reason they called. Our prices and packages are clear and easy to understand so people feel they know what they are getting before they make contact.
That’s not to say this works for everyone! Promoting the prices for some services or products is just not possible without a consultation first - especially if you cannot bundle your products or services into a package without establishing the needs of your prospective client first.
Having said this, we still think it’s important to give an indication of price or a range of expected costs as early in the process as possible because it’s one of the biggest questions we need to answer.
Here are some reasons why you might think about putting your prices or guide prices on your website:
Customers may be put off by companies who are not forthcoming with their fees and costs. They simply won’t make contact because they will assume that the cost is too high or too low for them. You'll never know just how many potential clients you've lost out on because they guessed what your costs would be and decided not to contact you.
Price range
Some customers like to understand a ballpark price range before they make contact to avoid wasting their time and effort later.
Clear pricing
Today’s consumer expects clear pricing. Just take a look at your own buying habits - if there isn't a clear pricing structure or at least a guide price, would you try to find out, or simply move on to another website in search of clear prices?
Marketing to solve your clients' problems
Your company website is there to help establish your brand and reputation and your aim is to solve your clients' problems for a reasonable price. You therefore need to convince your visitors of your transparency and the fact that you are trustworthy as quickly as possible, so hiding your prices defeats that objective.
Some business owners may not publish their prices for a range of reasons - the most common being fear of losing the customer before they make contact, or not wanting to give away important information to competitors.
Although the 'hidden price approach' may have worked a few years ago, today’s consumers don’t like to have one of their main questions go unanswered as they are short on time and hungry for information.
Check out our website design prices here.
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