This style of website layout was traditionally used on ecommerce websites back in the day. 
Side navigation was really useful because it allowed lots of categories to be displayed down the left-hand side of the screen, making it easy for users to navigate directly to the products they wanted to view and buy. 
Over the last few years side navigation seems to have fallen out of fashion.  
Mostly due to the mobile revolution, burger navigation, and the move to smaller screens, but I have started to see the old side nav making a comeback and I really like what I am seeing. 
For obvious reasons, this type of navigation is not suitable on mobile, but when websites are viewed on a desktop I think it can work well for a number of industries, not just for ecommerce websites or more comprehensive sites. 
Here are a couple of recent examples of itseeze websites which use this style when viewed on larger screens - we think they look great.  
Remember to view them on your desktop for the full side navigation experience: 
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