Join the it'seeze business community Colchester & Ipswich
Join our community
Help boost your company profile, promote your services, offer discounts and connect with other local it’seeze clients in the Colchester & Ipswich area through our partners directory page. Exclusively available to activeit'seeze Colchester & Ipswich clients we'll create your personal business page on our own high ranking, established website with the following features & benefits.
A unique Google friendly company introduction
Your company logo / brand
5 images to show examples of your products or services
A link button back to your website
A contact form that emails directly back to you
A location map with a “get directions” tool (if required)
Your telephone number/s
Social links (max 3)
We'll also make sure your profile page is fully optimised for the 3 main search terms you would like to be found for locally helping with visibility and your local profile. We also regularly share our community page across our social platforms to help engagement with a wider audience
All this for a small annual fee of just £60+VAT. Simply fill in the form below, make the initial payment and (within 48 hours) we will send you a link for approval before we add your company to our community listing page.
Alternatively if you would like to learn more please call us directly on 01206 512093 for more details.
Sign up today
Simply enter your details below, follow the link to pay and we will do the rest
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