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Q: What do I need to do to keep my it’seeze website GDPR-compliant? 
A: It’s important that you take all the necessary steps to protect any personal data that comes through your website, so pay attention to the following areas to make sure your website continues to comply with the law: 
Privacy policy – don’t forget to update your privacy policy whenever you add a new type of form to your website, or any new third-party widgets or tools. You can find a list of the different types of data you might be collecting here. 
Lists – make sure you’re routinely deleting the data from enquiry forms that’s stored on your website in lists. 
Forms – check that every form on your website makes it clear what the data you’re collecting will be used for, and that checkboxes for consent are included if you’re using the data for marketing purposes. 
Reviews – added any testimonials to your website? Always make sure you have the person’s explicit permission to feature any personal data, such as their name. 
Third-parties – verify that any third-party tools or services that you want to use with your website are GDPR-compliant before you add them. 
You can find more info about your it’seeze website and the GDPR here. 
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