Website Accessibility Simplified
Posted on 2nd May 2021 at 14:13
There has been lots of noise online, particularly in 2020 and 2021 about the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (known as WCAG 2.1). However, abbreviations and lists of compliance items often turn business owners off. The fact is that we all need to be aware of the regulations and here is why.
There are 14.1 million disabled people in the UK according to Scope. If we focus on sight alone, astoundingly 250 people begin to lose their sight each day (source RNIB). When designing your website you will inevitably want to create the best user experience possible. However, by not considering accessibility requirements, such as those of disabled users, you are at risk of not meeting a legal requirement, namely WGAG 2.1 and more over could be bypassing a significant number of customers, who could later be your champions or recommend you.
WGAG were produced as best practice and in September 2020 all public sector websites in the UK were required to meet the minimum standard. There are three levels and they had to meet the first one (Level A). Whilst reading the guidelines, you may feel like meeting them is a steep mountain to climb but for experts like us they are built into our design process, therefore giving you the piece of mind that you are safe leaving your web accessibility requirements in our hands.
We want to spread the word that WGAG 2.1 isn't an add on or an after thought and nor is it a box ticking exercise. It makes total sense and from every angle, we should be as inclusive as a society as possible. Its about thinking outside the box. Apple's Siri was actually invented for visually impaired people and became widely used. Thinking of a website (like your premises) where everyone is welcome and can access your services, is great for all and for your business. Ethical practices get noticed and are high up on consumers wish lists, so it is important show your commitment to caring for people.
Accessibility features such as the use of alternative text to describe images on your website, are favoured by Google bots when they trawl your website. Google places high importance on page and user experience, so it is essential to give some time over to reviewing your website and working with your web designer to make changes. If you would like a website consultation please get in touch.
Tagged as: it'seeze Colchester, WGAG 2.1
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