Password Protected Pages
Posted on 23rd November 2020 at 13:42
If you are interested in implementing the password protected pages feature, then please see our Support Page and the video below.
You may want to use this for your organisation's members, by taking your newsletters online and going greener, or to eliminate the need to send emails, therefore saving you time. Or you may want some of your staff to assist with the website but you only want them to be able to edit certain pages. For example, you have someone who could update your blog each month, so they have a login to enable them to do exactly this. Your could use this feature to post employee updates and communications and only they have access to view them. The possibilities are endless and depending on your business type, you will know where this may save you time and energy. If you need help, after reviewing the support materials, then please Contact Us or ask us about this feature when we contact you for your next website review.
Tagged as: Website security
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