Marketing Reviews And Why You Need Them...
Posted on 5th October 2021 at 13:24
Marketing Reviews are essential to understand what is working and what has or could change. Quarterly reviews are perfect for this reason as they allow you a regular timeframe to analyse data and to examine your market.
If your marketing strategy is working, you will be landing lucrative deals and winning new business. However successful your current position, it is never advisable to rest on your laurels. Picking up issues, new data and planning can help you to avoid spending time and money on activity that either isn't working for you or will not work further down the line.
Why quarterly? There are some great reasons why a regular review is the best way to ensure that your marketing activity doesn't go stale. Firstly, the demand for your product/service can quickly change. Marketing as a concept and the practicalities of it also change rapidly. For example, think about the number of small businesses on social media posting about their accounts or posts not reaching their intended audiences. This in itself is a reason to keep on top of what is going on, algorithms and trends. Your audience may have shifted and the quicker you notice the move, the quicker you can adapt to meet their needs. Crucially, if you are not meeting your goals and achieving your vision then you can stop spending on activity that is not working.
A simple quarterly review asks the following of EACH marketing campaign,
is each activity working as in does it contribute to your goals?
has the campaign raised brand awareness, brought in new business or leads?
what was the cost vs return on investment?
Of course to be able to able to answer these questions you need to start tracking marketing activity and may need to put that in place straight away, if you do not already have metrics.
If you uncover areas that are not working then this next bit is for you. We have run through some common reasons why you may not be hitting the mark. Firstly, you may need a website redesign. Slow websites, with no SEO and that look old fashioned are not going to stand up to the competition. Your brand may be tired or it may be inconsistent or worse still, invisible in your target market area. Your target market may have changed as your business has evolved. Working with your intended target market could be bringing you much more. Are your products/services therefore aligned to appeal to the target market? If they are not appealing in the first instance then you will struggle to win leads and convert them.
To help you we are offering a free marketing review, where will can do some work for you and help you to understand where you can improve in order to excel in the future.
Tagged as: Free Marketing Review, Web Designers In Colchester
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