BT have made pledges this week to make the UK the “fastest broadband nation” after being criticised by competitors about the quality of UK broadband. 
A BBC article posted yesterday outlines some of BT’s plans which include aiming for a new universal minimum broadband speed of 5-10Mbps, plus 10 million premises to receive speeds of between 300-500Mbps by the end of 2020, with 1Gbps also provided. 
Even if your current speed isn’t as good as you’d like, don’t worry! it'seeze websites are designed to load super fast. All images are resized to look great on any size screen and to be web-friendly. Any video content is hosted from external sources rather than being embedded in your site and we use HTML5 to build our sites because it’s fast loading. Google loves a fast-loading site which improves your search engine ranking. 
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