Check out this fantastic new website we’ve just designed for Newport Shipping Ltd.
Posted on 15th April 2019 at 13:13
Newport Shipping Ltd initially approached it’seeze Colchester to review their Wix website as they had concerns that it was starting to look a little outdated.

Following the Website Health Check we conducted on their Wix site, Newport Shipping Ltd decided they wanted a newly designed website that was modern yet still maintained their strong corporate brand. They also wanted their new website to make it as simple as possible for clients and potential clients to access information and resources, no matter how small of a screen they were using.
it’seeze Colchester created a fully responsive website Newport Shipping Ltd - this means even if people are viewing their website on a mobile phone, the site is still just as easy to navigate as if it was being viewed on a desktop. Furthermore, our expert designers create a applied the latest trends to web design to create a modern, full width website, that reflects the professionalism and credibility of the client.
You can now view the new website here:
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