We've just rolled out an update to the it'seeze website editor login system to improve the security of our websites and keep your data even more secure. 
As part of this update, all it'seeze website editor usernames are now case-sensitive. This means that to log in to your website, you'll need to enter your username exactly as it was set up - e.g. joe.bloggs instead of Joe.Bloggs or JOE.BLOGGS 
By making all usernames case-sensitive, it prevents any usernames with special characters (e.g. joé.bloggs) from being able to log in to a different account with an unaccented username (joe.bloggs) by using an all-capital version of the username (JOE.BLOGGS). This will help to keep your account secure and stop malicious attempts to access your website. 
If you are unable to log in to your website, please email support@itseeze.com 
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